Core Scan: Scan of the deck in the horizontal plane. This includes foundations, SOG, and deck pours.
Shell Scan: Scan of the exterior, or facade, of a building.
Wood frame projects – Dry-in scan: The first scan which occurs after the completion of the air/vapor barrier and majority of window openings installation.
Wood frame projects – Punchlist scan: The second scan which occurs after the completion of all finishes.
Other projects – Continuous Shell Scans: Shell scans are continuous on high rise buildings structures. Typically, Siteaware scans every two weeks and inspects the new work. (This can be adjusted as needed per the project's installation sequence)
Element: An individual item that Siteaware verifies. Examples of individual elements are: a sleeve, a blockout, a slab edge, or an embed.
Observation: An element not installed within the defined tolerances.
Not Yet Installed Element: An element shown in the plans, but not installed in the field at the time of the scan.
Verify in Field Element: An element that Siteaware can not verify with 100% certainty. For example, if a pile of rebar is covering a sleeve, we will mark this as Verify in Field.