1 Weekly Forecasts
At the beginning of each week, it is important to provide Siteaware with a forecast for all the scans that are intended to occur that week. This provides Siteaware with an opportunity to verify that it has all of the required documentation in its possession and if anything is missing it can be provided before the scan ensuring that no elements are missed during the verification.
To help facilitate this communication, Siteaware will send a text requesting an update on any scans that are planned to occur during the week.
Please respond with the:
- Projected surveying dates and pour areas
- Level & pour intended to be scanned
- Projected scan dates for those pours
2 Missing Documentation
Once a scan date is confirmed Siteaware will review the documents provided for verification and will send a notification if documents are missing or unclear. It is critical to respond to these notifications to ensure that the most up-to-date field-use documentation is available for verification. Without these documents, Siteaware will not be able to provide 100% quality assurance for that pour area.
3 Pour Area Changes
Siteaware’s system relies on an accurate understanding of the project’s pour breaks. If there are adjustments to the pour areas (area change or a pour split) Siteaware must be notified immediately so the flight and verification plans can be updated accordingly. If Siteaware is not notified, some portions of the deck may not be scanned resulting in elements omitted from the verification.
4 24 Hour Notice
On the day before the scan, Siteaware should be notified that the scan is still on track for the day forecasted at the beginning of the week. At this time it is good practice to ensure:
- GCPs have been uploaded to Siteaware.
- Any missing documents have been provided.
Note: Any documentation provided to Siteaware less than 24 hours before the scan is at risk of not being included in the scan.