General Guide
Crane Self-Capture
- What are the Benefits of Crane Self-Capture
- What should I do if I can't raise the pod 50ft above the deck?
- What are the tools involved in Crane Self-Capture
- What are the steps of Crane Self-Capture?
- Step 1: GCP Placement Guide
- Step 2: Uploading GCP Coordinates to Siteaware
Drone Self-Capture
- What are the benefits of drone self-cature?
- Preparing the Drone for Capture - One Time Setup
- What are the steps of Drone Self-Capture?
- What are the tools involved in Drone Self-Capture
- Step 1: GCP Placement Guide
- Step 2: Uploading GCP Coordinates to Siteaware
Lidar Self-Capture - Core
- What are the tools involved in Lidar Self-Capture
- What are the steps of Lidar Self-Capture?
- Step 1: Marking Control Points - Steel Decks with Columns
- Step 1: Marking Control Points - Slab on Grade/Void
- Step 1: Marking Control Points - Concrete Decks
- Step 2: Review Scan Path
Lidar Self-Capture - Interior
- What are the acceptable temperature ranges for flying a Mavic 3 Drone?
- How do I delete data from my NavVis device.
- My memory card is full, can I delete previous scan data?
- Where can I learn how to operate the NavVis Device?
- How should I upload my images if the CaptureApp shows an error when attempting to upload?
- Why will the controller only select 64 images?