- What are the acceptable temperature ranges for flying a Mavic 3 Drone?
- How do I delete data from my NavVis device.
- My memory card is full, can I delete previous scan data?
- Where can I learn how to operate the NavVis Device?
- How should I upload my images if the CaptureApp shows an error when attempting to upload?
- Why will the controller only select 64 images?
- How do I delete data from the SD Card?
- What do these upload errors mean?
- Why don’t I see all the images in the latest scan folder?
- Why do I need to complete the scan pattern provided by Siteaware?
- What should I do if the drone overheats?
- How do I return to the CaptureApp if I need to recalibrate after raising the drone?
- What should I do if the crane or concrete pump are entering the path of the drone?
- How do I insert or remove the drone battery?
- What should I do if the crane pod can’t achieve an RTK Fix in the Field?
- Why do I need to place a sticker in every area recommended by Siteaware?
- What should I do if I forgot to place GCP Stickers before scanning or if they’re covered during the scan?
- How do I Connect the Controller to a Hotspot?
- What are the Siteaware recommended sensing settings for Drone Capture safety?
- How do I check which version of the CaptureApp I'm using?
- What happens after the data is uploaded?
- Why Perform Self-Capture?
- How can I get help during a Self-Capture scan?
- How do I get more GCP stickers?
- Can I perform Self-Capture with my own drone?
- Can I capture 360s if I'm performing self-capture?